Staff Sergeant Victor H. Brelje 409th Infantry Regiment, 103rd Infantry Divison 1944 - 1945
Combat Infantry Badge
Staff Sergeant 409th Infantry
Purple Heart Medal
Army Good Conduct
European-African Eastern Medal
WWII Victory Medal
The 409th Regiment entered combat with the 103rd Division in November 1944 with
strong opposition in the Vosges Mountains. Summary: This history was originally
published in 1947 by the Infantry Journal Press. The 409th Infantry Regiment was
one of three regiments in the 103rd " Cactus " Infantry division, which arrived in
Southern France in Oct. 1944. They fought through the Vosges sector and later
into the Rhineland area of South Central Germany. They then moved into Austria
where they ended the war in May 1945. The Regiment fought through Germany
and cleared Schongau in April 1945, and blocked the German escape routes at
Brenner Pass in southern Germany.