Page posted, 15 August 2010

Second Life 2010
Page 3

The 3 pictures that follow show our new American Flag, installed on 14 August 2010.

The 2 pictures that follow display smoke coming from the Helena's stacks.
Another example of how real the ship looks in SL.

A new street light glows near the entrance to the SL USS Helena site.

Two pictures of Helena's second brow. Amid ships for now. Work continues.

The 3 pictures that follow are of the PT Boat 617, in a temporary berth.

Our new "Welcome to the USS Helena" sign.

Looking down on the USS Helena CA-75 and the PT Boat

That small speck in Navy Blues is Vic as he looks over the Helena.
In this picture, because of the distance, part of the ship has not loaded.





SL 2010 Index

