All Services To Take Part In Inaugural personnel, nearly 20,000 strong led by a hand-picked group of 70 combat veterans, will take part in the January 20 inaug- uration ceremonies. Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard will participate. chairman of the Armed Forces Participation Sub-Committee, said that the total will in- clude 18,000 marching troops and 1,500 aboard the planes, helicopters, superbombers and blimps which will fly over the parade route. given a farewell review and wished "Godspeed and a good trip" by Gen. James A. Van Fleet, 8th Army Commander, when they left Korea. All were due to be rotated within the next month even if they had not been selected. celebration, the entertainmrnt committee has promised the big- gest entertainment show ever assembled. A partial list of the cast, reading like the "Who's Who" of show business, features such names as: Ethel Marman, Helen Hayes, Hoagy Carmichael, Fred Waring, A- dolphe Menjou, Jeanette Mac- Donald, and Lily Pons. |
iser U. S. S. HELENA was in un- usually high spirits on the morning of December 16th. This was the day that most of us had waited seven months for. At the sight of the familar breakwater of Long Beach, Har- bor, we knew that we were home at last. enthusiastically greeted by hundreds of wives, girlfriends, relatives and spectators, an- xious to get a first-hand glim- pse of the famous Korean Vet- eran, made more famous by its dramatic cross-Pacific journey with President-Elect Eisenhower and members of his future cab- inet. were lowered, the main deck of the ship was the scene of ex- hilarant chaos. Politely ex- cusing themselves in an attempt to get to the gangway were mem- bers of the first leave party. Some five hundred in number, they were headed for all parts of the United States to spend a well earned holiday season with their friends and relat- ives. was over, the remainder of the ship's company settled down to |
CREW MEMBERS COMMENDED BY COMCRUDIV 3 AND CAPTAIN wardroom, 76 officers and men of the ship were presented with Letters of Commendation result- ing from their meritorious ser- vice and outstanding perform- ance of duty in the Helena dur- ing her third tour of duty in the Korean War Zone. The men were commended by Rear Admiral W. G. Schindler, Commander Cru- iser Division Three and Captain W. L. Dyer. seven times for outstanding a- bility as a hard fighting team of men doing their jobs. The ship was also selected to return President-Elect Dwight D. Eisen- hower and five members of his future cabinet, to Pearl Harbor. were: LCDR K. H. Olsen, LT R. T. Rus tad, CHMACH H. M. Kimble, CHCARP C. W. Baker, MACH C. C. Ramet, CHBOSN J. W. Lomax, T. F. Ander- son, SN, R. C. Bicker, GM1, S. J. Cemzik, RD2, H. W. Hogan, MMC, O. F. Kilbey, BT1, A. A. Lashley, SN, J. I. MacIver, FT2, R. V. Sheppard, BM1, N. L. Stephenson, and BT1 S. J. Youskites. Johannigmeier, RD3, R. A. Doughty, PFC, J. R. Woods, QM3, R. P. Hen- derson, RDC, C. L. Smith, RD2, |
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______________________________ CAPT W. L. Dyer CDR G. L. Conkey Commanding Off. Executive Off. Editor: D. L. Hockman, JO3 Printers: J. V. Datria, PISN H. E. Atwood, PISN N. C. Carr, PISN S. G. Neese, SN D. R. Betz, ET2 Bo Fulmer, SN ______________________________ Published monthly by the USS HELENA in accordance with NAVEXOS Dir. P-35, App. B, Revised, Nov. 1951, at no ex- pense to the government. ______________________________ The LOOKOUT is a member of the Armed Forces Press Service. ______________________________ EDITORIAL is underway aboard the ship and all hands are urged to contri- bute generously to this worthy cause. afflicted by this dread disease during the coming year. The price to help these people will run into millions of dollars which can only be taken care of by contributions from people all over the United States. board the Helena for one month, so lets get behind it and help to stamp out this menacing disease. "Your donations may help to save a life." ______________________________ through the American Zone in Germany saw a sign that read "Drive Carefully". "Death is so permanent." On his return to the Soviet Zone, he heaved a sigh of relief. When asked why he was so glad to be back, he replied, "The Americans have a road sign that tells people they will be condemned to death if they don't drive carefully ______________________________ |
_____________________________ WWII VETERANS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR NEW LOANS sold the homes or farms they purchased with the aid of guar- anteed loans under the WWII Bill of Rights are eligible for full loan guaranty rights under the new K-Vet Bill. pointed out that this renewal of rights applies to veterans who have disposed of real prop- erty purchased with the aid of business loans which were guar- anteed or insured under the WW- II Bill of Rights. President Truman July 16, 1952, extends the loan guaranty pro- visions of the WWII Bill to veterans who served anywhere in the world since June 27, 1950-- the start of the Korean cam= paign. VA guarantees the lender again- st loss up to 50 percent of the loan, with a maximum guaranty of $4,000 on farm or business loans involving real estate and $2,000 on loans not involving real estate. er against loss on home loans up to 60 percent of the loan, with a maximum of guaranty of $7,500. available under the K-Vet Bill to veterans who used their loan guaranty benefits under the WW- II Bill will be reduced by: 1. The initial amount of real property to which the veteran still holds title. 2. The initial amount of the guaranty on a loan which is in default, and 3. The initial amount of the guaranty on a loan on which the VA has paid a claim. (AFPS) _____________________________ LT: "My wife is really intelli- gent. She can talk for hours on any subject." ENS: "My wife doesn't need a subject." |
___________________________ Activities Available For The Crew In Bremerton is adaquately supplied with all types of entertainment for the crew of the Helena. To be- gin with, the gymasium is lo- cated in building #502 where you can play basketball and several other sports during the winter months. vailable in building #502 and for the use of service person- nel, dependents and guests. The eight alleys are open on Monday thru Friday from 1600- 2200 and Sunday 1400- 2200. They are closed all day on Saturday. azines are available in the 13th Naval District Library which has over 16,000 volumes. The library is located in building #502. is one court of handball and squash. Another adjacent court has been converted into a work out room for boxers and wreat- lers. Locker and shower accom- modations are conveniently located adjacent to the courts. field is open during the day- light hours. The arrangements for the use of the athletic field are to be made by the Athletic Director, by dialing 9411. the base theater where movies are shown each evening except Wednesdays, from 1800 to 2000. ilities are also available on the base, but no information is available on them at this time. ___________________________ A panhandler stopped a man on the street. "Can you give me six cents for a cup of coffee?" "Six cents?" asked the man. "Why coffee is a dime." "So who buys retail?" said the panhandler. |
15 January 1953
___________________________ NAVY OPENING OCS COURSES FOR HOSPITALMEN AND DENTAL TECHS Washington (AFPS) - Naval reserve chief and first class hospital corpsmen and dental technicians now on active duty may apply for officer training. Selected applicants will be ordered to the Officer Candid- ate School, Newport, R. I., for a two-month course. After finishing the course, candid- ates will be commissioned re- serve Ensigns in the adminis- tration and supply section of the Medical Service Corps Re- serve. training under the supervision of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery will follow their com- missioning. sign, candidates must serve on active duty for not less than 24 months. They will also be required to maintain their com- missioned status in the Naval Reserve for a total of eight years after appointment. gram must be between the ages of 21 and 31 1/2 and have at least two years approved college cre- dit, or have satisfactorily completed the USAFI GED test, college level. at least one year of service in grade, active duty at a perman- ent station for at least two months or more, and at least six months obligated service under current enlistment upon receipt of orders to school. |
____________________________ Crew Members Commended H. F. Buser, ET2, J. C. Fitz- patrick, ET2, K. L. Randol, RMSN, D. G. Powell, YN1, F. H. Sarne, SDC. O'Dell, LT B. R. Thompson, LT B.C. Alexander, LT J. H. Barr, LTJG E. Schaefer, CHELEC J. M. Ware, J. J. Dempsey, ET3, H. F. Vest, AFC, G. R. Schmidt SN, G. A. Nicholson, EN3, W. G. Balmer, SN, D. L. Smith, QM2, J. R. O'Connor, GM1, H. G. Dobbins, GM2, L. B. Brock, QMC, "R" "W" Harless, GM1, R. L. Thomas, ET2, P. Duncan, EM1, R. E. Werdemen, FT1. CHPCLK E. M. Sammons, LT R. J. Banghart, W. W. Culver, T/Sgt, W. C. Arnold, PFC, M. L. Thornton, HM3, W. C. Cummings, Cpl, B. Rosalez, HM3, L. H. Pape, EN3, D. A. Smith, RD1, G. L. Gladfelter, ET2, L. E. Orey, TEC, H. A. Iovino, RDSN, , RDSN, S. J. Kula, RD3 W. D. Trivel- piece, RMC, and B. D. Drake, TE2. ____________________________ "My boy wants booklarin'," said the mountaineer. "What you got to offer him?" Well," said the teacher. "We have sp- elling, trigonometry, English" "Well give him that triggernom etry", said the mountaineer, He's the worst blame shot in the family." A priest walked up to a young man who was obviously inebri- ated. He asked:"What have you been drinking?" "Three fathers, feather,"was the reply. |
__________________________ EX DIVISION NEWS good ole E. S., several new faces are very obvious in the various offices in the EX Div- ision. In the Captain's Off- ice you will find J. E. Lassi- ter, YNC. In the personnel off- ice are; L. F. Tennis, SA and G. M. Smith, SA. The officer in charge of the I & E Office is ENS W. C. Green, who will also act as junior division officer. The new legal yeoman is K. B. Engels, YNSN, who will be fixing up all the men get- ting back late from leave and liberty. __________________________ A contribution today to the March of Dimes may save a life! __________________________ sued recently in a country be- hind the iron curtain, But sales dropped off considerably after a few days, and inspect- ors set out to find the reason why. Queries brought out thje fact that the stamp didn't stick well. A thorough exam- ination was made of the glue on the back. As there was no- thing wrong with it, they con- tinued their inspection. Fin- ally, as they watched several sales, the truth dawned on them. People were spitting on the face of the stamp in- stead of the back. Father: "So you want to be my son-in-law?" Seaman: "No, but if I marry your daughter, I don't know how I can avoid it." |
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__________________________ DAPPER DAN (Private Eye) eye Dapper Dan, hard at work on a case (of scotch, that is). He calls headquarters on his four way wrist radio, to see if Chief Kryznyzak (a good Irish cop) had an assignment for him. you to track down Emerald Elly, the dangerous jewel thief. She got away with the Nope diamond last night, at the Wanderbuilt Social Club. Be careful Dan, she's armed, and legged too!" "She was last seen in the Cash-Box (pronounced Cas-bah) the notorious night club run by Denny the Drip." 65 calibre automatic) and head- ed for the Cash-box to look for clues. At the front entrance there was a big tough looking doorman, so just to let them know I meant business, I gave him a dirty look. After I picked myself up off the pave- ment, I went around back to the service entrance. I jimmed the lock and sneaked in very cau- tiously. It was pitch black, so I lit a match. There was a guy on the floor with his head cut off. He was DEAD! This was my first clue. In one of his pockets, I found an add- ress. This was it. Emerald Elly, 881/2 Chestnut Avenue. I rushed out and called a cab. As the cab pulled up at the address, I checked Betsy, and slipped out. The house was dark, and the door was open. I eased in very cautiously and |
__________________________ heard music, so I slowly made my way up the stairs. I saw light coming out from under one of the doors. I put my ear up against the panel and listened. I couldn't hear anyone talking. She must bed alone, good. With my gun in hand, I burst through the door. She was there al- right, wearing the Nope diamond around her neck. She said "I" have been waiting for you, Danny, won't you have a drink? I wanted to be polite, so I had five. It was tough. I said, "Elly, I've got to take you in to headquarters, but first I'm going to question you." "Give me a kiss". "Make me", she said. "All I asked for was a kiss, I answered. We had an- other round of drinks. Sud- denly everything went black, she must have slipped me a martini in that last mickey. When I came to, she was gone. table, "don't try to follow me Danny." It was signed Elly. I put two and two together, and got five. I ran out of the house and hailed another cab. I headed for the Cash- box again., because I figured she'd head for Denny the Drip, to fence the diamond. the diamond, and the money to for it. Denny made the fatal mistake of going for his rod. I let him have it, right in the Kitchen. Emerald Elly said desperately" look Danny, now we've got the money and the Nope Diamond. "We could elope to South America and be |
15 January 1953
__________________________ rich." She wasn't fooling me though, I'm tough! I said, "all right, Elly, let's go down to the station." "It was rough having to take this beautiful gal in; but I was a rough guy. Chief Kryznyzak booked her on suspician, the Wanderbuilts" got the Nope Diamond back, and I got the reward. (At this point, our hero has just run out of scotch.) __________________________ Home at last (cont'd from P-1) the business of liberty and re- creation. Our very liberal lib- erty policy, thanks to the Com- manding Officer, enabled us to do many of the things we planned to do while operating in Lorea. For those of us who roamed pastires other than Long Beach, was the gayety and excitement of Los Angles. Hol- lywood and Pasadena - indeed, a few of us got to see the fam- ous Rose Bowl Classic. For some there was interesting city tours, radio and televis- ion shows, USO dances, ice and roller skating. For others, there was the innumerable Yule- tide church festivities. All in all, we can safely say that before getting underway for Bremerton, all of us had a time well worth remembering. __________________________ She: "Would you like to see where I was vaccinated?" He: "I sure would." She: "Well then keep your eyes open for the hospital ahead." __________________________ END OF THE LOOKOUT |