The Spanish Campaign Medal

The Spanish Campaign badge is to be issued to officers and enlisted men of the Navy who served in the Navy in Cuban and Porto Rican waters and were attached to one of the following vessels between the dates mentioned (Navy Department Special Order No. 81 of June 27, 1908):

USS Helena FG9. 21 April 1889 - 12 August 1889

In the 1920s, the award criteria was relaxed to provide for award of this medal to all those who served in the Navy during the Spanish -American War.

[Historical note: Just how much attention is paid to the colors selected for service medal ribbons? Unfortunately, sometimes a mistake will occur.

In 1908, the red-and-yellow color scheme was designated for the West Indies and Spanish campaign medals. Hundreds were awarded and worn before Navy leadership belatedly decided that a ribbon bearing the colors of the defeated Spanish nation - who by that time once again were allies - was inappropriate and orders were issued changing the ribbon color to blue-and-yellow.

The change was duly made in 1913, but not without scores of the medals leaving the service through discharges and retirements. Officially, the color remains blue-and-yellow, but finding one with the politically incorrect red-and-yellow helps verify the age of this particular service medal.]



PG9 Awards