The meeting was called to Order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

The members then introduced themselves.

The minutes were then read from the Saint Louis Board Meeting held in Saint Louis on April 6-7, 2010. The motion was made to accept the minutes by Ruggles Harrington and there was a second by Bill Henry.

Jim McNamee then read the proposed changes to the by-laws including the section for non profit. This information was attained by the law firm Harrang /Long /Gary/ Rudnick P.C. Attorneys & Counselors at Law. The motion was made by Ruggles Harrington and there was a second by Bill Henry to accept the changes.

Jim then gave a report on our standing with the IRS. With the information acquired from the Lawyers the Helena Organization is in good standing with the IRS.

The next order of business was the choice of location for the next USS Helena Reunion to be held in 2013. The vote was read that was sent to the members in 2010. It was narrowed down to Helena, MT and San Diego, CA. A hand vote was then taken and counted. The result was Helena, MT 30 and San Diego, CA 6. A motion was made to accept this vote by Harold Daron and there was a second by Ruggles Harrington. Jim also suggested that we go back to East Coast, Midwest and West Coast for our location sequence. A motion was made by Bill Henry and there was a second by Bob Perry to authorize the Board of Directors to determine the date for the 2013 USS Helena Reunion, and allow them time to study what date would be best suitable for all members.

The next order of business was to present the Financial Statements. Jim McNamee went through it thoroughly and the finances were in order with only a small amount unaccounted for. Jim presented some figures to show that if we supplemented our reunions with an open hospitality room providing drinks and snacks for the members we could maintain this type of service for 5 reunions. With the reunions being held every two years that would add 10 years to our ages. Our youngest member is about 70 years of age. The motion was made to accept the Financial Report by Jerry Woltring and there was a second by Reynold Sagert.

There was a discussion about an update on the Organization Muster Book. The last one issued was in 2007. Jim McNamee said that He would check into it, printing, pricing etc…..

The next order of business was election of officers. A motion was made by Ruggles Harrington and a second by Alfred Martinez to confirm and accept acting Membership Chairman, Ron Burns as Membership Chairman. Bob Cordier made the motion to nominate Vic Brelje as Secretary. The second to the motion was made by Ruggles Harrington . Randy Turner made the motion to nominate Bob Cordier as Treasurer and Ron Burns seconded the motion. Allen Thurber, past Treasurer resigned. There were no volunteers for Webmaster of the USS Helena Organization Webpage. Jim MacNamee stated that He would continue paying the yearly fee and will continue searching for a replacement. Dave Brouchoud is still maintaining the Webpage even though He officially retired. Also there is no replacement for the Editor of the Newsletter.

Jim McNamee, President, USS Helena Organization, thanked Bill Bunker for his many years of outstanding service as President of the USS Helena Organization.

A motion was made to adjourn and there was a second.

Respectfully submitted,

Vic Brelje

Index Page

