Remmel H. Dudley
3440 S. Jefferson St. #1131
Falls Church, VA 22041

June 12, 2007

Mr William Gale Udell
37697 Medjool Avenue
Palm Desert, Calif. 92211

Dear William Gale

When the Helena (SSN 725) was christened and launched at the Electric Boat Yard in Groton and was commissioned a year later in the New London Naval Base our associate was invited to both events. As I recall at the first one we had 67 shipmates in attendance and at the second one we had 68. They came from all over the country and considering our attrition prior to 1986 and 87 we felt it was a great turn-out. We were treated as honored guests.

During these periods I got to know Tom Moore, the Prospective Commanding Officer, pretty well and we have kept in touch ever since. He spoke at our reunion in Reno. Bill Bunker attended the commissioning but not the launching. Bill asked me to be the liaison between our Association and the Navy and Electric Boat. After the launching I wrote Bill a letter giving him all the details and I sent Tom Moore a copy. Tom responded and wrote me the enclosed portion of his letter describing the launching from another viewpoint.

I thought you might be interested in publishing it in a future “Helena News.” Tom is aware I am sending it to you.

You are doing a great job as Editor. With best regards, I am

Sincerely yours


Copy to: Capt. Thomas W. Moore, USN (Ret.)

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