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Although this book is about World War II operations, much of it applied when we served on the
USS Helena CA-75 during the Korean War and after.
Remember the transfers at sea? Fuel, ammo, food, mail, and even sailors via high-line?
As a very young sailor of 18, I would not have understood logistics.
I only knew we received these things to keep on going and how much we looked forward to mail call.

William McGee does a detailed and through job in his writings.
Thank you Bill for explaining military logistics in ways I can understand.

I recommend this book to our shipmates as well as anyone interested in "how it was done"..
Dave Brouchoud USS Helena CA-75
January 1952 - May 1955

Page ii

Page iii

The Critical Role of Military Logistics in World War II
Edited by William L. McGee with Sandra McGee
Cover price $39.95

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