Foxtrot Division
Fire Controlman
Foxtrot Division holds the reins every time HELENA fires her mighty guns. Accurately-controlled fire power is essential to a combat-ready ship, and the job of upkeep and operation is a monstrous one. The complex equipment must account for many factors, and none of these must be off so much as a split hair . . .or the fire control problem will be in error and the shot will miss its target.
Men of Foxtrot may be found in the cool debths of main Battery Plot, talking shop in the FT Workshop, advising mount crews, in their radar shacks, or in one of the many gun directors which train on the target and control the actual firing. These and the other spaces under Foxtrot's control are busy day and night, for the problems of fire control know no time limitation.
Foxtrot men are a dedicated group, talented and skilled in the field of electronics and mathematics. There in no doubt that theirs is among the most important jobs in today's modern Navy, and HELENA's men turn is a continually outstanding job!
FOXTROT DIVISION . . . . . our huge armament would be for naught were it not for their skill and never-ending labors |
Upper three pictures are from the Helena 1958 - 1959 cruise book Lower two pictures are from the Helena 1959 - 1960 cruise book