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In 1945, when the rest of the world was jubilant over the end of World War II the Chinese Communists resumed their pre-war rebellion against the legal government of China. China became torn by Civil War in the years that followed, until in 1949 Generalissimo Chaing Kia-Shek was forced to evacuate to Formosa and other off-shore islands Here his forces remained safe behind the protection of the Nationalist Chinese Fleet and the U. S. 7th Fleet, until late 1945 when Red forces began concentrating attacks upon the Tachen Islands. A decision had to be made. Should we help the Nationalists defend the islands, or should we help them evacuate the territory? Either choice was likely to set off World War III. On 6 February 1955 President Eisenhower ordered the U.S. 7th Fleet to assit the Nationalist Government of the Republic of China in the evacuation from Tachen of 20,000 troops and 18,000 civilians.
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24 January to 5 February 1955
The usually quiet harbor of Keelung gradually filled with ships of every type. Every pier was full, every buoy occupied while in the outer harbor destroyers escorts and mine sweepers rolled at anchor. As final preparations were made, checked, and rechecked, the Communist air and gunfire assaults on the Tachen Islands were continuing and the time for decision was near. Afloat and ashore, all eyes were on the heavy cruiser HELENA, flagship of the U. S. 7th Fleet. Across the HELENA'S quarterdeck came leading U.S. and Chinese officials to confer with Vice Admiral alfred M. Pride, Com 7th Fleet. All available spaces were being used for conferences as the staff officers confered with advisors, Nationalist officials and fleet representatives HELENA'S ship's company was as busy as the Flag. Boats of every description made her accommodation ladder carrying officers and men seeking help from the flagship's ET's and other technicians who gave advice and visited other vessels to bring equipment up to peak performance. Storekeepers searched their bins and provided quantities of needed spare parts and supplies. The galley provided meals for men in transit; every one was working to increase the preparedness of a battle-ready fleet.
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Meanwhile HELENA's own equipment was being maintained at top performance. Daily checks and drills sharpened the skills of gunners, fire control and director officers. In the engine room the steam was up, and everyone was on a 4 hour standby. The "Queen of the Cruisers" was ready.
6 February 1955 The sun had barely risen over Formosa's hills when the shrill whistle of the Boatswain's pipe brought HELENA awake with a start. A day of holiday routine had turned to a day of excitement,
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for HELENA was getting underway at once. Her mission: the protection of the forces evacuating the Tachen Islands. When told by Captain F. M. Adamson that almost immediately four boiler operation was needed, Lt. T. A. Whitlock, Engineering Officer, stated, "Captain, you just point her, we'll get her there!" and the Engineers lived up to the promise, for 3 hours and 14 minutes after receiving her sailing orders, HELENA was cutting her way northward at 30 knots through the stormy China Sea In the early afternoon HELENA reported to Rear Admiral Ralph E. Wilson, Commander Task Force 75. While HELENA and her sister, the TOLEDO, with the destroyers, ISBELL, KNOX, OSBOURN, and HOLLISTER
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were patrolling the eastern shores of the Tachens and planes from Task Force 77 were patrolling westward, the amphibious forces of Task Force 76 moved into the evacuation area.
7 February 1955
The harsh clanging of the general alarm had barely stopped when the "manned and ready" reports from all stations began arriving on the bridge. The time of action was here and all hands were ready. Lookouts carefully scanned the skies as the sun broke slowly over the horizon, showing the small, dark brown islands which were the HELENA's destination: the Tachens. From 0445 to 0700 all stations were manned as Task Force 75
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moved in to protect the amphibious forces which had already begun the long arduous evacuation. HELENA's role was that of gunfire support ship and antiaircraft defense ship. As the day passed HELENA shifted anchorages several times, using channels carefully cleared by Chinese Nationalist minesweepers. At one time, HELENA was within close range of heavily armed Communist "Pyramid Isle." Observers on the signal bridge could see the Communist gun emplacements on the islands. However, HELENA's main battery was prepared too, for condition II was set all through the day. Meanwhile, on the islands the heart breaking process of
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evacuation was beginning as the small villages were divided into neighborhood groups, each with its own leader. Every leader carried a flag and often a picture of Chiang Kai-Shek. Slowly the groups gathered in the alley-like streets and began leaving the homes of their ancestors behind. Stumbling under the bundles they carried (each person was allowed to take 100 lbs. of "home" with him) family joined family as they traveled down the steep hillsides. Soon, on the beachheads long lines of quiet people stood waiting for their ride to freedom. The oriental faces remained impassive as one man died from disease and another slumped to the ground after a serious heart attack, for each man had worries of his own.
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Throught the day and far into the night LCMs and LCUs pounded through the choppy, muddy water from ship to shore and back again carring these brave people and their meager possessions to the waiting transports.In the waters around the islands careful patrols searched in ever widening circles for any Communist interlopers. On the masts the radar antennas swept the air constantly, on guard against enemy aircraft. As the sun set, HELENA's AA gun crews huddled together for warmth. Condition III had been set and the all night vigil began.
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