USS Helena CA-75, shake-down cruise.
The following story submitted by shipmate Max Bates. I have been reading the account of the shakedown cruise and it is not a complete account of shakedown as I can remember some things that were not included.
The time line as written is;
The ship was on It's 2nd trip to New York and left there for Gitmo arriving on Nov. 3, 1945.
The above had to be associated with the second cruise to Gitmo.
The ship went to Gitmo the first time shortly after we were in New York for Navy Day. I remember also being tied up at the Philadelphia Navy Yard for what I remember was a repair to the ship, and I think we must have left for Cuban waters upon leaving Philadelphia.
I can't remember dates but we must have arrived there in mid Sept. 1945 and went through training exercises for a few weeks.
We had to have started back in early October to have been in the hurricane I described in an earlier e-mail. I did a Google search for hurricane activity in Atlantic waters in 1945 and the 11th and last storm of the season occurred between Oct. 10 thru Oct. 16. This had to have been the one we were in as it was described as follows. The hurricane passed over Cuba on a north, north, easterly course, veering out into the open waters of the Atlantic. It was a category 2 hurricane with wind speed reaching 95 mph and it passed close to the continental US, hitting the eastern seaboard from Fla. north to perhaps New York. I can remember during the storm hearing once that we were in the Cape Hatteras area off the coast of North Carolina as we proceeded north to Boston. We must have encountered the storm soon after leaving Gitmo to have been in it for 4 days. The 10th storm that season went across the gulf and hit Texas and it was in September so it could not have been the one we were in.
I wish I could be more precise with dates but they are not available from my memory. I sure would like to read the ships log tor the months of September 1945 thru February 1946. Max Bates
The following information and pictures were donated by Harry Constantinos, (The following information has been copied from the upper right part of the large picture).
Max served on the 75 in 1945 - 1946 as a Radioman, S1/c. Recorded here on 11 February 2008.
Left Gitmo on Jan. 31, 1945 arriving Boston Feb. 4, 1945
This information was taken from the ships log and no doubt is factual, but it is not a complete accounting of the shakedown cruise.
"F" Division, S1c. USS Helena CA-75. September 1945 - September 1946.
This panoramic type picture is an actual photograph. It measures 35" long X 10 1/2 " high.
"F" Division. Taken at Gitmo Bay during the shakedown cruise