Pictures from the USS Helena 2007 Reunion.
Las Vegas, NV.

Past Reunions

Attendance list

Reunion Pictures
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Reunion Pictures
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Reunion Pictures
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Reunion Pictures
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Reunion Pictures
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James G Layton, PHM2 CL 50, and Charles McClelland.
August 27, 2007. We met for the first time since we were
both rescued from Vella Lavella in 1943.
Jim was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps medal for his
meritorious conduct on Vella Lavella.

Robert M. Howe, S1c, "5th Division."
USS Helena CL 50. At the 2007 Helena Reunion

Francis H. Rieber, MM2, "M Division"
USS Helena CL 50. At the 2007 Helena Reunion

Richard Renbarger, USMC/RET, USS Helena CA-75.
Working the desk at the 2007 Helena Reunion selling DVD's.

William Gale Udell, LI3, "X" Division. USS Helena CA 75
Our new President

Harold O. Mainer, BM1, "2nd Division", USS Helena CL 50.
At the 2007 Helena Reunion

L to R
Harold Mainer, BM 1, James Layton, PHM 2,
& Robert Behrenshausen, EM3, "E Division"
CL 50 crew members.

Agnes & Charlie McClelland having a snack,
at the Orleans in Las Vegas.
During the Helena Reunion

L to R
Hal Shimer, SK2, Bill Wallace, S1C, Pete Denny, S1c, ---all CL 50.

R to L
Ann Udell, Wm. Gale Udell and their daughter.


Reunions Past

