
The following pictures were taken in Guam in December 1952.
Donated by Dave Brouchoud

L to R
Earl Wessell, Dave Brouchoud and Wagley

L to R
Dave Brouchoud, Wagley and Gene Merz

The USS Helena CA-75 was on the way back to the US when we were diverted south. We were sure that our tour in the Far East had been extended. But the next day were were circling a small island that we soon learned was Iwo Jima. Although we did not know it at the time, our President-elect, Eisenhower was visiting the island.

Soon we were again steaming south. This time to Guam. After spending two days in Guam, early in the morning of the 3rd day, we were all rolled out of our sacks and told to put on our whites and report to quarters for getting underway.

We heard many sirens and watched as a large convoy of vehicles approched the ship. (King Division's quarters was located on the port side next to turret 1). We had a front seat to the arrival of President Ike. As soon as he boarded, we were called to attention as Ike passed directly in front of our Division. I could have reached out and touched him!

He and most of his newly appointed cabinet members joined him for a photo op on the bow. To view pictures of Ike, click HERE!

Guam Index

Ports of Call

