Log of the USS Helena
(The following excerpt is from Lt. C.G. Morris, USNR's book "The Fightin'est Ship" the CL 50 Log.)

September 18, 1939. Commissioned at New York Navy Yard.

December 7, 1941. Damaged by Jap torpedo plane at Pearl Harbor. Shot down 6 (possibly 7) enemy planes.

September 15, 1942. Rescued survivors of the U.S.S. Wasp.

October 11-12, 1942. Participated in the Battle of Cape Esperance and was credited with sinking or helping to sink 4 enemy ships.

November 4, 1942. Bombarded Jap forces on Guadalcanal.

November 12, 1942. Repelled mass assault by Jap torpedo planes, and shot down 4.

November 12-13, 1942. Participated in the Battle of Guadalcanal and destroyed or helped destroy 5 enemy ships.
Led crippled San Francisco to safety.

January 4, 1943. Bombarded Munda. Repelled dive bombing attack by Jap planes

January 23, 1943. Bombarded enemy installations in Kula Gulf area. Repelled enemy torpedo plane attack.

May 13, 1943. Bombarded Kolombangara, Enogai Inlet, Bairoko Harbor. Repelled air attack.

(From Page 190)

July 5, 1943. Convoyed troops to Rice Anchorage. Bombarded enemy installations in Kula Gulf and covered landing operations.

July 6-7. 1943. Participated in Battle of Kula Gulf and was sunk by enemy torpedoes after destroying or helping to destroy 4 enemy ships.

July 8, 1943. Captain Charles P. Cecil and others resecued from New Georgia.

July 16, 1943. Lieutenant commander John L. Chew and others resecued from Velle Lavella.

(From Page 191)

