12 to 16 Steaming as before. 1202 passed between Long Beach breakwaters. 1203 stopped all
engines to receive pilot J.W. HOME on board. 1207 changed course to 305 (t), (pgc), 289 (psc). 1208
changed course to 305 (t), (pgc), 289 (psc). 1206 changed speed to ahead 1/3. Commenced maneuver-
ing on various courses and speeds to conform with channels pilot at the conn. 1213 received USS
YTB-703 on port bow. 1215 passed buoy number four abeam to starboard, distance 70 yards. 1220
received USS YTB-310 on port quarter. 1222 passed between inner harbor breakwater lights enroute
pier-Baker. 1226 passed channel buoy number 8 abeam to starboard, distance 30 yards. 1228 passed
channel buoy number 9 abeam to port, distance 400 yards. 1240 moored starboard side to Berth 17,
Pier Baker, Long Beach, California, with the following lines: one 10 inch manila; four 8 inch
manila; and two 6 inch manila. Senior Officer Present Afloat is Commander Cruiser Division Three
in this vessel. Ships present are USS HELENA(CA-75), and BROWN(DD-546). 1245 secured the main
and steering engines. 1250 cast off all tugs. 1255 secured the regular and special sea details.
Set the regular in port and anti-sabotage watches. 1300 commanding officer Terminal Island Naval
Station and Mayer Burton Chase of Long Beach called officially on Commander Cruiser Division Three
and left the ship at 1333. 1308 let fires die out under boiler number 3. Boiler number 2 steaming-
for-auxiliary purposes. USS TOLEDO(CA-133) moored to east side of Pier Baker. 1310 commenced
receiving telephone service from the pier. 1330 pursuant to Bupers letter B2119-V6-226 on 24
October 1950, WILLAMSON, H.O., HM1, 274 62 48, USN, was transferred with baggage, records and
transfer papers to United States Naval Medical Research Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, for duty.
Pursuant to Bupers dispatch 221253Z of September 1950, CDR G. W. RUSSELL, 196338/2100, MC, USN,
reported on board for duty. 1435 pursuant to Burgers letter B-1111-MEZ-3, dated 27 September-1950,
LT W.B. THOMPSON, 270319, USNR, reported on board for duty.
