Posted 16 October 2013.
RDC (Chief Radarman) Glindell L. VanWinkle (Van to his shipmates) (Rip to his friends in later years) has passed away.

Picture from the 1954 USS Helena Cruise Book

Picture from the 1956 USS Helena Cruise Book
Shipmate Glindell Van Winkle and I were invited to a Philippine home. The food was wonderful.
I did not know bananas could be prepared in so many different ways--mmmmmmmmmm.
I took all the pictures that follow. It was Christmas Day 25 December 1953.
How I wish now, that I would have recorded the names of our hosts then.
David J. Brouchoud. Web Page Manager

Van and I met the families.

Van and the kids.

The whole gang.

This monument erected in honor of winning against the Japanese.